Progress meeting for the 30 months of the LIFE4FIR project – 17 May 2022

On 17 May 2022, the beneficiaries of LIFE4FIR met for the progress meeting of the 30 months of the project, which has entered its second half (2019-2023).

The meeting was organized in the Domenico Lanza Room of the Palermo Botanical Garden. The activities carried out were presented and the progress of the technical and dissemination activities discussed, as well as the monitoring of the financial aspects.

LIFE4FIR festeggia i 30 anni del programma LIFE!! Open day, workshop e visita agli Abies – 16-17 maggio 2022

Il programma LIFE festeggia 30 anni! LIFE4FIR ha organizzato due eventi per festeggiare il programma e promuovere le iniziative a tutela dell’ambiente.

Open day a Polizzi Generosa

Il 16 maggio 2022, è stato organizzato, presso la sala consiliare del Comune di Polizzi Generosa, un open day dedicato alla sensibilizzazione di giovani, studenti e comunità locali sulle tematiche ambientali e sulla conservazione dell’Abies nebrodensis (qui il programma della giornata).

Roberto Danti (IPSP-CNR), Rosario Schicchi (UNIPA-SAAF) e Puppuccio Bonomo (Ente Parco Madonie) hanno illustrato il progetto LIFE4FIR e le opportunità per l’ambiente offerte dal programma LIFE alle diverse scolaresche che hanno partecipato all’open day.

All’evento hanno preso parte anche alcuni rappresentanti delle istituzioni pubbliche locali: Gandolfo Librizzi (Sindaco di Polizzi Generosa), Angelo Merlino (Presidente Ente Parco delle Madonie) e Mario Candore (Dirigente Dipartimento Regionale Sviluppo Rurale e Territoriale della Regione Sicilia).

Al termine delle presentazioni presso la sala consiliare, il gruppo si è diretto verso il popolamento di Abies Nebrodensis curato dal progetto LIFE4FIR per conoscere dal vivo le attività in corso a tutela della specie a rischio estinzione. Più di 100 studenti hanno partecipato all’escursione!

La giornata si è conclusa con una visita al vivaio Piano di Noce ed un pranzo organizzato e servito dai ragazzi della Scuola Alberghiera di Bagheria.

Workshop all’orto botanico dell’Università di Palermo

Il 17 maggio 2022, presso la Sala Domenico Lanza dell’Orto Botanico dell’Università di Palermo, si è tenuto il Workshop ‘Strategie innovative per la conservazione ex situ di Abies nebrodensis(qui il programma dell’evento).

L’obiettivo dell’evento è stato coinvolgere ricercatori, amministratori di aree naturali, professionisti interessati alla biodiversità e studenti universitari, illustrando le procedure sviluppate per l’implementazione della biobanca (banca del seme e criobanca) e le attività a favore della conservazione dell’Abies nebrodensis, grazie a misure ex situ ed ad un approccio innovativo.

Coordination meeting for the 12 months of the LIFE4FIR project – 12-13 October 2020

The beneficiaries of the LIFE4FIR European project met in Palermo on 12 and 13 October 2020. During the meeting, progresses and results obtained in each action have been presented by each partner, and the next steps to be taken in the continuation of the project have been discussed.

Certainly one of the most relevant issues has been the impact of COVID-19 on project activities. The beneficiaries have taken all possible containment actions, but the possibility of having an impact on original scheduling remains, also in light of the uncertainty regarding the pandemic dynamics of the future months.

Autumn update on LIFE4FIR project activities

The activities of the LIFE4FIR project continue, despite the significant difficulties related to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

In particular, in October 2020 the beneficiaries of the project met in Sicily, in order to hold the periodic coordination meeting. In addition to the updating for the 12 months of the project, being in Sicily the beneficiaries had live visits to the sites involved in the LIFE4FIR project.

Here are some photos taken during these activities.

During the technical and financial monitoring meeting held last October 12th in the restored rooms of the ancient library at the Botanical Garden of Palermo.


The LIFE4FIR group during the visit to the Abies nebrodensis Museum set up inside the town hall of Polizzi Generosa. The museum will host the cryobank foreseen in the project.


Approaching specimen no. 12 during the monitoring of the vegetative and sanitary conditions last October.


Taking samples from specimen no. 12 for laboratory observations and analyses.


Transit on the stony ground between the Vallone Madonna degli Angeli and Monte Scalone.


In front of tree n. 1, the most remote of the population.


The fruiting that occurred in 2020 was particularly abundant. The cones collected from the individual treeswere placed in boxes at the Piano Noce nursery, awaiting extraction of seeds.

LIFE4FIR Kick-Off meeting in Palermo – 2-3 October 2019

The Kick Off meeting of the LIFE4FIR (here the agenda) project was held the 2nd October 2019 in the wonderful setting of the Orto Botanico di Palermo.

The meeting was attended by the Cooodinating beneficiary CNR IPSP (Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection) and CNR IBE (Institute of Bioeconomy) and by representatives of all associated beneficiaries: Ente Parco delle Madonie (EPM); Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sull’interazione Tecnologia-Ambiente – Università Di Palermo (CIRITA-UNIPA); Assessorato Regionale dell’Agricoltura, dello Sviluppo Rurale e della Pesca Mediterranea, Dipartimento Regionale dello Sviluppo Rurale e Territoriale (DRSRT); University of Seville (US).

The meeting mainly has been aimed at developing a common view of the project mandate, fostering team building and establishing working relationships, beginning to tackle together the work to be done and focusing on the tasks that each beneficiary will have to deal with in the next months.

During the meeting, all beneficiaries have been acquainted on the main administrative and financial aspects of the Life programME.

The following day, 3rd October 2019, the LIFE4FIR group was welcomed by the Major of Polizzi Generosa, the municipality where the Abies nebrodensis population is located, and then visited in situ the relic trees’ area and the ‘Piano Noce’ nursery, where most activities on seedlings will be conducted during the project.


Presentations held during the meeting


First day meeting at the Botanical garden of Palermo

Coordinator and partners of the LIFE4FIR project, presenting their Institutions and the activities in which they will be involved within the project.


LIFE4Fir project and objectives was briefly introduced to students attending the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry at the University of Palermo.


The LIFE4FIR group which attended the Kick Off meeting the 2nd October 2019 at the Orto Botanico of Palermo.


LIFE4FIR welcomed by the Major

The LIFE4FIR group was welcomed by the Major of Polizzi Generosa


In situ visit to the relic Abies nebrodensis population

Natural regeneration of Abies nebrodensis.


The LIFE4FIR workgroup was joined by a couple of german tourists which was hiking the Abies nebrodensis path in the Parco delle Madonie.


The Abies nebrodensis tree nr. 13 from which cones were collected soon before their maturation.


Coordinator and part of the LIFE4FIR group during the visit to the Abies nebrodensis relic population, guided by employees of the Parco delle Madonie.


Visit to the Piano Noce nursery

LIFE4FIR group and employees of the Piano Noce nursery which was visited during the second day of the meeting.


LIFE4FIR group visiting the plots in the Piano Noce nursery  where Abies nebrodensis seedlings are growing.


Coordinator and some colleagues of CNR visiting a site suited for the establishment of new clonal orchard as planned in the LIFE4FIR project.


At the following link is available the press release issued by the Parco delle Madonie’s Authority on!